If you are interested in receiving DSP treatment, we now have a dedicated clinic in Rochester, New York, where the originator of Deep Structure Psychotherapy, Dr. Oliver Boxell, is accepting new patients. Information about him and the clinic is available on the Rochester DSP Clinic page, and both current and new patients can also access the Patient Portal for appointment scheduling, as well as other resources related to receiving care at our facility.

What is Deep Structure Psychotherapy?

Deep Structure Psychotherapy (DSP) is a form of counseling that centers on the ways that brain cell networks "code" the mind. The main aim is to prime these networks to process information structures, or "deep structures," in new ways. In fact, all learning and personal change is naturally the result of deep structural alterations, and this means all approaches to counseling attempt to help people to grow by changing the organization of their deep structures, although indirectly. The DSP framework encourages more direct, targeted, and precise deep structural changes. Rather than aiming to replace other psychotherapies, though, DSP aims to integrate and boost them with access to the true underlying nature of the brain's mechanisms for change.

DSP integrates the useful components of the long-standing forms of counseling to develop a warm, empathetic, and genuine relationship between the patient and the counselor that builds trust and activates an array of relevant target deep structures that make up a patient's lived experiences and their resulting psychological problems. The target deep structures typically produce problematic thinking patterns, emotional feelings, and relationships, although may sometimes relate to other human capacities. Crucially, though, DSP aims to boost the effectiveness and robustness of counseling by adding in deep structural clinical analysis and techniques that are more aligned with the way the patient's intended changes actually occur in the brain. As such, the utimate goal for DSP is to enhance the well-being and quality of life of those who receive it from the ground-up in the most profound and fundamental ways, creating lasting recovery.

More information about DSP, and the Deep Structure Theory (DST) that informs it, can be found on the About DSP page.

Interested in receiving DSP? Services are now available in Rochester, New York.  

Deep Structure Psychotherapy Clinic

Strong Hall

1100 South Goodman Street

Rochester, NY


Phone: 585 857 9012

Visit the DSP Clinic page, where there is a contact form.

Directions on Google Maps